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Saturday 2 February 2013

Body gain suppliments

Body gain supplements

Bodybuilding The category of body gain supplements is a very broad one. It can include a wide array of products, designed to take your training to the next level by increasing the efficiency of any bodybuilding program. Even if your main focus isn't bodybuilding, these supplements can help any individual accomplish their goals associated with their current exercise program.

Sadly, when many think of bodybuilding and the supplements associated with it, the first thing to come to mind is anabolic steroids. This is far from the case as only a small percentage of bodybuilders uses these substances. There is a huge array of legal and non-hormonal products to help you achieve new levels in your physique. While these over the counter supplements aren't going to have as much effect on adding lean muscle mass as the illicit and illegal anabolic steroids would, it's important to not underestimate their potential for helping you gain lean mass and cut body fat without the possible negative side effects.

Some of the post popular supplements out there are creatine, protein and multivitamins. More specifically, creatine is one of the most misunderstood supplements of all time. A victim of a negative media spin, many believe that creatine is a dangerous and steroid like supplement that carries serious adverse side effects. This couldn't be further from the truth; it is one of the most thoroughly studied supplements of all time. We won't give you a lecture on human anatomy, but we will do our best to explain how creatine works. The energy that fuels muscles is called ATP. Creatine simply provides your body with more of this substance. This in turn will help allow you to complete a few more repetitions than you normally would, aiding in muscle growth.

Protein should be the one supplement that the rest of your stack is built around. It is crucial for cell repair and growth, and can have some of the most noticeable effects in terms of how a product will make you feel. It won't make you able to compete for the Olympia overnight, but you will notice improved recovery (reduced soreness) if you take it immediately after working out. It is especially important while bulking as the amino acids it provides are the building blocks of muscle.

If you aren't already taking a daily multivitamin, we are sure you've heard the importance of including one every day. It certainly is a good investment. A good multi doesn't just help you stay healthy, but if you aren't getting all of your nutrients, you could be hurting your progress at the gym. You may have some nutrients covered through the foods from your diet, but the multivitamin will fill in any gaps that you may have. One way to think of a multivitamin is "covering all your bases".

Some of the body gain supplements are listed below :

Weight Gainers:
Weight gainers have long been used by bodybuilders and athletes to increase body weight. Weight gainers are supplement that typically are composed of a combination of carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Typically, these gainers come in a powder or a ready-to-drink liquid form. The powder form must be mixed with water, milk, or juice before being consumed. The ready-to-drink form is typically more expensive 

Pre Workout : 
Pre workout supplements are specifically formulated supplements to help you get the most out of your workout. Most contain some sort of combination of creatine, nitric oxide, caffeine, amino acids, BCAAs, carbs and other nutrients to push your workout to the next level. 

Recovery / Post-Workout:
Recovery products are to be taken immediately post-workout and help jump-start the recovery process. Most recovery products include protein, amino acids and carbohydrates. 

Bodybuilding: Diuretics:
Diuretics help rid your body of excess water in order to look as cut as possible. Diuretics are typically used by bodybuilders before a competition. 

ZMA is zinc mono methionine aspartate and magnesium aspartate. ZMA is to be taken right before bed, and helps you sleep better than deeper. Your muscles rebuild in your sleep, so optimizing this important period of time is key to building muscle.


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